Owners of cats and dogs often find drops or traces of blood on the floors or other surfaces of their home and suspect that their pet is the source of the blood.
Common Causes
More common causes are listed first. Less common causes are listed later.
- Pets with an injury to a foot or nail will leave bloody areas around the house. The bleeding in these instances is often transient.
- Injured areas of the skin may bleed.
- Growths and masses on the skin are often fragile. Pets with these sorts of skin anomalies may suffer bleeding at the sites of the growths.
- Pets may bleed from the mouth if they have dental disease, oral masses, or oral trauma.
- Traces of bloody urine on household surfaces often appear to be pure blood.
- Pets with severe ear infections or trauma to the ear may bleed from their ears.
- Bleeding from the rectum can occur, especially in pets with a history of straining to defecate due to constipation or diarrhea.
- The nose may be a source of blood.
- Pets that have been exposed to certain types of rodent poisons, or that have certain liver problems, are especially prone to bleeding from any of the sites listed above.
Recommended Course of Action
If you suspect that your pet is bleeding, carefully examine your pet to try to identify the source of the blood. Pay special attention to the areas mentioned above.
If a very mild injury is noted, it may be acceptable to monitor your pet. If no source of bleeding can be found and your pet does not show any signs of illness, consider confining your pet to a small area. Check the area frequently for blood.
If you discover a potentially serious wound or problem, or if your pet displays any signs of illness, or if your pet may have been exposed to rodent bait, seek immediate veterinary attention.
When in doubt, the safest course of action is to seek help from a veterinarian.
Copyright © Eric Barchas, DVM All rights reserved.
The contents of this page are provided for general informational purposes only. Under no circumstances should this page be substituted for professional consultation with a veterinarian.